Roca Partida

Cabo San Lucas, Baja California South

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Dive Roca Partida

Shoal Big Fishes

Roca Partida is one of four islands in the Revillagigedos Archipelago, more commonly called the Socorro Islands. This pinnacle rises 115 feet above the ocean's surface, but is only 300 feet wide. Beneath the surface it's a magnet to pelagics and large schools of jacks and tuna. It can only be reached by boat. Scuba divers visit this area when weather permits from November through May.
This is a world-class dive site: Encounters with the giant Pacific manta rays are common. There are small caves on a ridge at about 30' where you'll often find sleeping whitetip sharks and large lobster. Dolphins, hammerheads, silvertips, Galapagos shark and even whalesharks are seen here. During the months of March and April divers commonly can hear the calls of humpback whales in the area. Topside whale breeches and tails are also observed. Underwater whale encounters have also been happening more recently.

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