
Alpena, Michigan

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Dive Nordmeer

Shoal Wreck Fresh water

Miscalculated a turn and ran aground 7 miles northeast of Thunder Bay Island. Expected to be recovered, but a big storm a few days later wrecked her bottom. Her crew stayed aboard after the grounding, planning to assist with the recovery, but had to be rescued by Coast Guard helicopter during the storm (which also sank the DANIEL J. MORRELL). Sunk november 19, 1966.

The wreck is visible from several miles away, protruding from the water. While the elements have taken its toll it is still a very enjoyable dive. Current however can be unpredictable and it?s a long journey. Most dive charters avoid this wreck because it is so remote. If taking a personal craft be prepared for rough weather and watch for wreckage, which in some spots protrudes up from 40 feet to only inches below the surface.

Type: German steel propeller, package and bulk freight

Dimensions: 470.8 x 60.9 x 28.2

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