
Alpena, Michigan

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Dive Monrovia

Big Fishes Deep Wreck Fresh water

The Monrovia was built in 1943 as the Empire Falstaff. She?s a steel freight steamer with an official number of LIELOF (Scotland). She?s 430? in length and 6,700 tons. She sank on 6/26/1959 in 90-150 feet of water due to a collision with the Royalton 13.5 mi @ 107 degrees from Thunder Bay Island Light

The Monrovia probably one of the best dive sites in the Thunder Bay underwater preserve. It is incredibly intact and upright. The Monrovia is not market by a mooring buoy. For this reason is makes it difficult to find. It lies from 80 to well over 100 feet in depth. Penetration is possible and there are many rooms and levels to explore. This dive is not often populated because of its distance away from anything else. To get the most out of this dive make a day out of it and bring several tanks. Also it should be noted that the Monrovia lies in the middle of a busy shipping lane, so it is advised to leave someone in the boat, or if that is not practice radio on channel sixteen about your intentions so that any shipping traffic knows your intentions.

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