Nicholas Canyon

LA County, California

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Dive Nicholas Canyon

Ambiance Reef Drift

Nicholas Canyon is a great location for naturalists and photographers skilled at making entrances in less than favorable conditions. The main diving locations at Nicholas Canyon are the kelp paddies in front of the lifeguard tower and to the right of the lifeguard tower.

The ecosystem at Nicholas Canyon benefits from the difficult entrance, the large surf, and long kick which limit access to only the most experienced divers. Every year lobster trappers, for better or worse, take advantage of this fact and set out lobster traps all over this beach. For the most part the traps, like the one seen above, do make a considerable dent in the lobster population. If you are going to dive here for bugs, make sure you do it before the lobster trappers and winter storm take their toll on this beach. Other organisms that may be found include scallops to a limited extent, bass, sheaphead, and many small sharks and rays. Source:

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