White Point

LA County, California

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Dive White Point


The Big Attraction here is the Warm Water Vents in the Shallows. About 50 Yards out you'll find areas with almost no growth and a mixed White and Black Sandy Bottom. You may see "Murky Water" in these areas as well. If so, you're over the vents - Try taking your Gloves off and putting them in the sand, you'll feel the Heat - It's pretty Cool (or is that Hot)!

Expect to see Bat Stars, Sea Cucumbers, Moray eels and lots of Nudibranchs as you venture away from the Vents. Go a little Deeper and East and you'll run into Kelp and Rock outcrops loaded with goodies.

The best diving is in the kelp bed about 200 yards east of the cove, Rock formations with dramatic overhangs, schools of fish darting throughout the kelp, barracuda, Giant Seabass, lobster, large sand rose anemones and batrays can be found here.

Entry in the cove can be tough. Slippery rocks and shallow water extends more than sixty feet from shore. It is best to dive here at high tide.

The park is closed at night, but you can enter via the fire road east of the baseball field and enter the water on either side of the point.

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