MV Petrel

Rockingham, Western Australia

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Dive MV Petrel


Diving in MV Petrel is Poor
You can find Poor Typically, visibility is Low ( < 5 m)
The average depth is 23 m / 75.5 ft
To reach MV Petrel you have to do it From shore
This dive site is best suited for All divers divers.

Reviews (1)

Robert March 1st, 2017 - 4:33:
I found this to be an awesome off the beach dive, there is not a lot of places you can walk off the beach swim twenty yards and be in 20 mts of water, enjoying a wreck garden its man made and it is not on my list of top ten dives in the world, but it does not pretend to be, its a great dive you will always see something you have not seen last time you dived it and if you look at it as just a great local dive site you will really enjoy it. Too many divers who comment on dive sites are too spoilt they only dive on holidays and then in world class locations to them I say remember that not all divers are world travellers, but they are still passionate divers.

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