Makaha Caverns

Oahu, Hawaii

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Dive Makaha Caverns

Cave Reef Sharks

Makaha Caverns are usually accessed by boat, but you can swim by the beach (about 150 yards).

Shore diving is a serious surface swim, if there are surfers present then I would advise against the dive. Following the reef line from the shore there will be a mooring buoy and just in on the reef from there is a large cleaning station which can hold up to 6 turtles. The caverns are at the end of the reef as mentioned about 150 yards out. There is also a mooring buoy from there shoot back toward shore and you should run across the caverns. The caverns are spacious and you can see without a light, though a light is clearly recommended on any dive. Dive flags are mandatory, people have been fined for not using one and the lifeguards will often stop you before you enter. Do not leave any valuables in your car, animosity towards military and tourists runs high in the area as does vehicle break ins.

  • 28769


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