La Jolla Shores

San Diego, California

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Dive La Jolla Shores

Wreck Sharks Wall

Most diving is made from directly in front of the restrooms at Vallecitos or in front of the Marine Room restaurant to the south. Entry is easy, even in large surf but the swim to the edge of the canyon is long. Once in the canyon, you have several options. Vallecitos Point offers vertical walls with lobsters, wolfeels, smaller fish, shrimp, sponges, nudibranchs, tunicates and other invertebrates living along the wall. A family of Sheephead resides at the point. There are gulleys and more walls to explore to the south and north of the point.

At the Marine Room you will find a huge bed of sand dollars along the way to the canyon.

Leopard sharks come into the shallows to mate and will swim right next to anyone in just a couple feet of water.

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