Justins Caves

Cape Town, South Africa

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Dive Justins Caves

Cave Reef

Justin's caves is a circular collection of giant boulders which lie on top of one another creating overhangs,tunnels and some small caves.The largest roughly the size of a double garage.The centre of the dive site is relatively shallow about 5 meters but around the back of the rocks it drops down to 17metwrs.The prize of the dive is a little coral filled cavern which have a beautiful display of pink and purple Noble corrals.On a calm day this is a relatively easy dive but with a change of tide and wind the caves can get very surgy.water collects in the centre of the Bowl and flushes out through the caves gullies and tunnels.A thrilling ride for experienced divers but a frightening one for novices.

The Atlantic can get a little chilly and on good vis days over 20 meters expect the temperature to be below 10 degrees Celsius.

There are quite a few species of Nudibranchs here and large schools of fish.Breeding ground for rock lobster they can be from a couple of centimetres to some enormous grand daddies.

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