Japanese Garden

Koh Tao, Thailand

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Dive Japanese Garden


Japanese Garden is a pretty and shallow dive site, perfect for beginners. With its large selection of corals divers find it very beutiful. On the south side if this dive site swim throughs can be found, great for testing your bouyancy control.
Things to see: Funnel corals, Mushroom corals, Angelfish, Titan triggerfish, Porcupine pufferfish and many swim throughs

  • Nudibranch

  • Spotted Eagle Rays

    Spotted Eagle Rays
  • Pink Anemone

    Pink Anemone

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Reviews (1)

Kimberly January 7th, 2014 - 1:19:
Very pretty, very shallow. Its a nice, easy dive. I was helping with a coral restoration project here and it was the perfect site for that. The depth doesn't change too much with the tide. Lots of colors and soft corals. If you are looking for a nice relaxing dive, this is the site to go to.

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