Jackson's Bar

Andaman Islands, India

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Dive Jackson's Bar

Ambiance Big Fishes Deep Reef Sharks Wall

Another one of the Big Four east of Havelock Island.

This dive site was discovered by one of our local Andaman divers called Jackson.
Jackson's Bar is an enigmatic plateau rising from the ocean floor. It is a very big site and it is easy to get lost here if you are diving without a compass.

On entry of the site you will encounter a long wall filled with beautiful species of hard and soft corals. Also a bunch of Giant Barrel Sponges can be seen here.

Jackon's Bar is famed for it's abundance of Blue Spotted Stingrays (Kuhl's) on top of the bar. As many as 40/50 stingrays were spotted on one dive. Other species of ray's frequent the site, as well as the occasional White Tip Reef Shark.

Another interesting but elusive creature living on Jackson's Bar is the Spotted Garden Eel (Heteroconger Hassi).
It is a shy animal who will retreat back into it's hole in the sand when approached. It is not easily photographed.

Napoleon Wrasse's and Yellow Spotted Sweetlips like to hang out here.

The divesite "Broken Ledge" is close by.

  • Blue Spotted StingRay @ Jackson's

    Blue Spotted StingRay @ Jackson's
  • Garden Eel @ Jackson's Bar. Picture by Joshua Barton

    Garden Eel @ Jackson's Bar. Picture by Joshua Barton
  • SweetLips @ Jackson's Bar. Picture by Josua Barton

    SweetLips @ Jackson's Bar. Picture by Josua Barton
  • Blue Spotted StingRay @ Jackson's

    Blue Spotted StingRay @ Jackson's
  • Garden Eel @ Jackson's Bar. Picture by Joshua Barton

    Garden Eel @ Jackson's Bar. Picture by Joshua Barton

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