Jackfish Alley

Ras Mohammed National Park, Egypt

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Dive Jackfish Alley


the largest plateau in Ras Mohamed. Running across this plateau is a secondary or satellite reef which creates the sandy 'alley' through which fast currents are funnelled. In early spring, this is the site of the seasons' first mating fish; crowds of white pointy nosed blue Spangled Emperors congregate here for only a couple of weeks, occasionally giving divers the chance to see glimpses of.black tip sharks! Entry fee: 5 Euro (paid locally).

  • 20003


Reviews (1)

Kasper March 22nd, 2012 - 5:14:
Jackfish alley is a nice way to start a day of diving before going to the spectacular Shark & Yolanda. Jackfish alley offers a small cave swim through at 5 meters with a crack that lets light in all the way through, nice beginning, sloping wall down to 20 meters where the plateau, takes you out to the edge where I've seen big schools of snappers, some times batfish, small barracudas and one guitar ray/shark. Coming in to the reef again you can get the electric rays swimming around and big barracudas are getting cleaned sometimes.

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