House reef

Langkawi, Peninsular Malaysia

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Dive House reef


The most visited site at Pulau Payar is the House Reef. A sandy bay that houses the entire facility of the Marine Park center is in fact the center of attraction for most tourist visiting this island. A fringing reef consist of scattered coral heads is located just fifty meters from shore.

Reviews (1)

MOHD AZLAN December 11th, 2013 - 4:26:
I had my 9th dive here on November 8, 2008. It was a shallow dive at a maximum depth of 9 m and no noticeable current. Overall, this was a great place to dive and observe a large variety of marine life - all within a relatively small area. During my dive, led by a divemaster, I saw a huge moray eel coming out from its crevice to feed, a few large groupers, barracudas, various other fishes (I don't know the names) anemones and various types of corals. I strongly recommend a dive here to experience the beauty and tranquility of underwater life.

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