Fushi Kandu

Nilandhe Atoll, Maldives

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Dive Fushi Kandu

Reef Sharks Drift Wall

In Meedhoo Region, South Nilandhe, there is this channel, the top north of the atoll. The channel is a protected marine area and fishing is not allowed here.

The Channel is very wide, almost 1,2km, and in the middle there are five small thilas that rise from 10m to the sandy bottom at 25m. Both inside and outside the channel the depth goes to 30m or more.
If the current is not very strong, the channel can be crossed jumping from one thila to the next, but if the incoming current is strong is better to stay on one of the sides, holding into dead coral and looking to the current points on the north side of the thilas. There are many chances to see stingrays in the sandy channels and sharks and eagle rays in the outside. Also in the sand there are nurse sharks and on rare ocassions, leopard sharks on the bottom.

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