Jumping Jack

Nilandhe Atoll, Maldives

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Dive Jumping Jack

Ambiance Cave Reef Drift Wall

In the northern side of North Nilandhe there is a wide channel called Kudaven Kandu.
There most interesting part is the entrance, that has a ridge of seven small thilas crossing from Maadiggaru Falhu to Voshimas Falhu.
When the current is strong enough, you can stay the whole dive in the southern outside corner, with caves at 30m and then jump to the first thila, starting at 9m end ending at 26m in a sandy bottom.
When conditions are good enough is easy to cross the 200m channel, jumping from one thila to the next (there comes the name "Jumping Jack"). In every thila there are chances to meet big groupers, sting rays or turtles. Is best to follow the outside thila lane, at an average of 20m, because is where more fishes stay.

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