Electric Beach

Oahu, Hawaii

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Dive Electric Beach

Reef Sharks

This is a great dive site, much more to see under than above ;-) Summer months bring snorkeling tours out to site. Be careful of boats and bring a dive flag! Watch for turtles catch the updraft from the pipe. They look like they are really flying. DO NOT GO IN THE EXIT SURGE FROM THE PIPE YOURSELF! Its like a washing machine.

There are a couple rather small swim thrus to the east of the pipe, but watch for fish line that has snagged on the coral and been left to pollute the water. Excellent Night Dive or Daytime.

Lite wet suit or rash guards need along with booties for shore entry and exit.

WARNING: Watch out for the water coming out of the electric pipes. It can be strong!

WARNING: Watch out for all the homeless. Leave all valueables at home. Dong Jacob or Aunty Momi w/ a valuemeal to watch your car. Take booties w/ all the thornbushes over the entry point.

  • 28757


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