Cabrillo Beach

LA County, California

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Dive Cabrillo Beach

Wreck Reef

Although the visibility is usually poor here, at times it can be good enough to have a great dive. It is the easiest access in Los Angeles county. Little to no surf, packed sand and the reef begins a short distance from shore. Showers and restrooms are right next to the sand. The Cabrillo Marine Aquarium is an interesting visit after diving. It is filled with the local marine life you may have encountered under water. The boat launch at the northeast end of the parking lot has nudibranchs atop the kelp next to the dock in the spring and summer.

The best diving is at the outer edge of the kelp, beyond the swim buoy. It's a long swim, but there is an old military wreck in the middle of the kelp and the low-lyiing reefs are filled with clams, fish, sea lions and harbor seals. Gray whales pass by in the winter and can be seen from shore. Dolphins swim in the kelp most mornings and evenings.

For non-divers there is a fishing pier, the aquarium, parks with playground equipment and tidepools to explore along the base of the cliff.

  • 28131


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