Océanos de Fuego

Océanos de Fuego

Puerto del Carmen, Lanzarote

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Océanos de Fuego is quality diving and accommodation in the best location on the island, Playa Chica, in Puerto del Carmen, Lanzarote.
PADI and NAUI instructors with great experience diving worldwide that will make the best experience of your diving holidays on the island.

More information about Océanos de Fuego

PADI courses, fundives from shore or boat, DSD, Snorkelling and 3 types of accommodation in apartments for 3 or 5 people or beach-front vilas for 7 people available all year around.

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  • Océanos de Fuego

    Océanos de Fuego
  • Frogfish in Playa Chica

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  • Grouper in Playa Chica

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  • PADI Courses

    PADI Courses

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