Dive in Eleuthera and Harbour Island


    Current Cut Eleuthera and Harbour Island, Bahamas

    Boat. Drift dive (up to 9 knots!) with the eastwards tide - crisp clear waters. Shore dive can be done on north side of Cut. Pod of stingrays live here.

    The Notch Eleuthera and Harbour Island, Bahamas

    Expect to encounter large reef sharks.This was one of the final mooring and dive sites on the Southern Bahamas itinerary for the Nekton Pilot (a live aboard dive boat), for a trip taken in late March 1998. Highly recommended.

    Wedge Rock Eleuthera and Harbour Island, Bahamas

    This dive site is basically a series of small islands on a sandy bottom.Beyond this, a wall drops off to depths exceeding the limits of recreational diving.Very nice dive!This was one of the final mooring and dive sites on the Southern Bahamas itinerary for the Nekton Pilot (a live aboard dive…