Tiputa Pass (Shark's Cave)

Rangiroa, French Polynesia

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Dive Tiputa Pass (Shark's Cave)

Ambiance Deep Reef Sharks Drift

Diving in Tiputa Pass (Shark's Cave) is Outstanding
You can find Outstanding Typically, visibility is Good ( 10 - 30 m)
The average depth is 45 m / 147.6 ft
To reach Tiputa Pass (Shark's Cave) you have to do it By boat
This dive site is best suited for CMAS ** / AOW divers.

One of the best drift-dive in the world!!! Sharks, sharks and more sharks...

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Reviews (1)

Stephane April 9th, 2013 - 14:27:
Amazing drift dive with a big variety of reef sharks, sometimes hammerhead sharks, mantas, turtles and biger fishs like tuna. If lucky you get the chance to encounter one or two really friendly dolphins. Sometimes strong currents. A must do when diving in Rangiroa.

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