Manta Bay

Nusa Lembongan, Bali

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Dive Manta Bay

Big Fishes Reef Sharks

If you would like to experience Mantas up close and personal then this is the place. On a good day you could be surrounded by up to twenty feeding Mantas. The Mantas are attracted by the large quantities of plankton that collect in the corners of the bay and come here for their daily feed. If you're lucky you may even encounter one of the beautiful black Mantas or an inquisitive bamboo shark.

  • Manta Ray

    Manta Ray
  • Manta


Reviews (1)

Liz December 23rd, 2012 - 4:54:
I've dived this site 3 times and each time I've seen manta rays. It's not even the proper season for them either! The last time I went out we saw approximately 8, including a black one. The were feeding close to the cliffs and just stayed in the one area for approximately 45 minutes. Fantastic sighting of such beautiful creatures.

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