Hin Wong Pinnacle

Koh Tao, Thailand

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Dive Hin Wong Pinnacle

Big Fishes Reef

Hin Wong pinnacle ia a special dive site as it is home to a huge amount of fan type corals (more than any other dive site on Koh Tao). At the soth end of Hi Wong are some large boulders for divers to explore.
Species: Tabletop rock formation covered with a variety of hard and soft corals. Hawksbill turtle, snapper, sweetlips, porcupine pufferfish, juvenile boxfish, goatfish, razorfish, chevron barracuda, great groupers, etc.
It is a great place to find shrimp fish. You can also have whale shark encounters here.
This place is dificult to find withouth current, and good visibility.

  • Soft Coral

    Soft Coral
  • Turtle

  • Flatworm

  • Shrimp Fish

    Shrimp Fish

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