Hin pee wee

Koh Tao, Thailand

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Dive Hin pee wee

Wreck Reef

Description : Named after one of the original diving pioneers of Koh Tao, Hin Pee Wee consists three main pinnacles a little deeper and larger than White Rock.

Marine Life Highlights : Lots of white eyed moray eels and stingrays - both blue spotted and sometimes larger Jenkins rays.

Corals : Hard an whip coral structures grow off the pinnacles.

Other : Due to the greater depth this site is often much quieter than neighboring White Rock.
Around there is the HTMS Sattakutt wreck, 150 º south from the pee wee buoy, usualy is not really good visibility, although in the morning use to be better. It lies from 30 to 18 mtrs deep

  • Hin Pee Wee

    Hin Pee Wee
  • Scorpion Fish

    Scorpion Fish
  • Blue Spotted Ray

    Blue Spotted Ray

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