Green Rock

Koh Tao, Thailand

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Dive Green Rock

Cave Reef

Boulder formations with short tunnels and swim-throughs. Green rock is a fun dive place. Its made up of many large boulders, with lots of swim throughs weaving their way between. Watch out for the many triggerfish who inhabit this dive site, as they may ensure your dive will be an exciting one.
Things to see: Titan triggerfish, yellow margin triggerfish, banded snake, bannerfish, white eyed moray eels, swim troughs... Also is a very good place to find many kinds or nudis, wartslugs and flatworms here
Special place for night dive!!
Sometimes is a place with a lot of current,

  • Flat Worm

    Flat Worm
  • frod fish in phils

    frod fish in phils
  • nemo and me

    nemo and me
  • Flat Worm

    Flat Worm
  • Grouper

  • 26599

  • nudy


Reviews (4)

Brunno January 30th, 2014 - 17:58:
swimthroughs provided by large archways, caverns, caves and crevices which cut through the matrix of submerged rocks. There are many groupers, blue-spotted ribbontail rays and yellowmargin triggerfish
Kimberly January 7th, 2014 - 1:11:
Green rock is my favorite! There are tons of swim through and caves to go through and explore. Once there was a huge school of barracuda, which are my favorite. Its also just a very pretty site. Lots of colorful corals. A must go!
Chris November 25th, 2013 - 21:03:
loads of trigger fishes here around and hum...everywhere. Fished are nursing around big potatoes rock and you may find macro animals if your aware and caution. giants are sometimes hitted here like triggers more than a meter aware !
Martin March 14th, 2013 - 11:46:
Almost always has good visibility, it has at least three good swim throughs, with another two smaller ones down at 25m. The marine live is excellent with an ever present Scholl of Barracuda at 15m on the south east side and a huge grouper patrolling,one,of the Swim throughs. If that wasn't enough the adjacent Trigger Pit, is well worth a visit.

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