Fish Rock - The Cave

South West Rocks, New South Wales

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Dive Fish Rock - The Cave

Ambiance Big Fishes Cave Sharks

This is known to be one of the top 10 dive sites of Australia. This dive starts at 24m deep on the Southeastern side where there is a cave entrance. The cave enter the rock and runs for about 15 metres then rises vertically into a chimney where torches are needed. Often Wobbegongs and Crayfish are lining the walls and floor. The cave then levels out to a large dark chamber where occasionally Grey Nurse sharks can cruise along. Other various schools of fish crise the area creating large swarms. Spanish Dancers can be seen. There are 2 bubble caves within the horizontal section of the cave. The cave then exits to a section known as the aquarium where various tropical and coldwater fish meet. Divers should be aware as there can be a very strong current when exiting the aquarium section.
The cave length is approximately 130m.

  • wobbegong shark

    wobbegong shark
  • School of grey nurse sharks

    School of grey nurse sharks
  • The Fish Rock Cave

    The Fish Rock Cave
  • Nurse Shark in the cave

    Nurse Shark in the cave

Reviews (2)

Bobby April 28th, 2013 - 10:00:
By far the best dive iv done, dive through the cave, see lobsters, octopus, rays, turtles, lots of different types of fish and of course plenty of sharks......cant wait to go back. Its a pretty chopper boat trip out to the rock but well worth it.
Laura May 27th, 2011 - 23:43:
awesome divesite! why is this so unknown, such a preserved secret in Australia? the world should know about this pelagic rest area!

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