
Dahab, Egypt

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Dive Caves

Cave Deep Reef

Starts from the shore with dropoff on 5 meters. All site looks like a valley between upland with a light slope going down. At a start (20 meters max) - 2 overhangs from both sides of the walley. Next is cave at a right side - entrance at depth about 30 meters. Then if going down with slope - valley starts widen (50 m). Nice landscape and eel garden from 50 to 70 meters. Don't know much about the cave configuration.

  • 19700


Reviews (1)

Timo March 8th, 2013 - 22:52:
Great site, you will start going to the right to an outcropping coral reef at 20-30 mtrs depth, then you'll cross the sandy bottom covered with pipefish going towards the left to reach another huge piece of outcropping coral, cross that until you reach the sandy bottom with garden eels at the other end, cross back and then enter the caves close to the entry-exit. Don't go up too fast. Saw dolphins at 20 mtrs. depth, awesome!

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