Broken Rock

South Ari Atoll, Maldives

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Dive Broken Rock

Cave Reef Wall

In the Dhigurashu kandu, between dhangethi thila and thinfushi ethere thila there is this peculiar and must-see thila. Is the most eastern one of the kandu and sometimes hitted by very strong currents. Is a normal 80m thila with the top at 14 to 16m. But the most interesting part is that across the whole thila from northwest to southeast there is a canyon about 10m deep and 1m wide. Is quite long and crowded of seafans and offers 50m of fun crossing from one side to the other. Very good buoyancy control is needed inside the canyon as is narrow and sometimes the currents can be weird inside. The reef life is very interesting here, with lots of soft coral, schools of barracuda, fusilier and a school of tallfin batfish. Also turtles can be seel.

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