Bahara Rocks

Kata, Koh Phuket

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Dive Bahara Rocks


This southern spot is one of Tioman's better dive loactions. The drop offs here are covered in barrel sponges, black coral and anemones and soft red and purple corals. The marine life here is prolific with numerous species of fish and bigger animals. Sharks are often spotted in the depths around the two giant rocks rising from the reef plateau. Visibility can be good here but currents can be strong.

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Reviews (1)

Hong August 13th, 2013 - 8:56:
this is one of the best dive site in Tioman Island,Penisular Malaysia. quite balance in term of corals and varieties of fish. Current is strong at most of the time, and normally the visibility the is not so good. the best vis i had ever seen there not more than 20m. but again, u will never bored with this dive site. there is a "secret garden" if you decend from the light house there, logged 0°, go until 18m, the secret garden is located there. its a super beautiful garden!!

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