Dive in Estartit

Travel to Estartit

The Medes Islands are one of the few areas of the Mediterranean Sea that still have an incredible diversity of marine fauna and flora. The islands have been protected since 1990 and it is strictly forbidden to take anything, either living or dead. As a result, the fish life especially has increased to an incredible density, and the fish have no fear of coming close to the divers as they are not in danger. With the warm clear waters it is a paradise for the photographer or videographer. Depths generally are from 10 or 15m at most sites down to depths well in excess of 50m, so divers of all levels can be satisfied. There are in the islands many beautiful and safe caves and drop-offs which must be seen to be believed!

The best way to reach them is from the fisher town L'Estartit, where many dive centers offer day trips to the islands. Note that the islands are uninhabited, which means that the best place to stay in order to dive the Medes Islands is the Estartit self.

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