Dive in Midtjylland

Diving in Midtjylland

You will find a lot of dive sites on the east cost in Midtjylland and also the possibility to go on an exploring adventure on that coast. It covers a long distance and you can pretty much park your car everywhere and set up your gear and just walk in from the beach. Most places walking in from the east coast will give your deep dives as well as beautiful.
The seas of Kattegat and Lillebælt meet on this east coast of Midtjylland and have created a healthy reef all along it. You will find rich vegetation of fauna and flora and also a rich animal life.

Along the way in Midtjylland you will also find lakes and some of the best visibility you can find anywhere in Denmark, just make sure that there has been no rain for 2-4 days in a row. The lakes in Denmark stir up very fast because they are connected with the small rivers carrying all the excess dirt after rainfall to the nearest lake.

The west coast of Midtjylland, is most of the year not suitable for diving but if you do dive there you most have a boat, because the sloping beach goes on forever towards Englands east coast.

You can find some nice wrecks also if you find the right dive center who has the right coordinates.

Please be aware of some strong currents in the narrow belts between Jylland and Fyn. Known as Lillebælt


Travel to Midtjylland

Central Denmark Region is located on the north-central portion of the Jutland peninsula and consists of the former counties of Ringkjøbing and Århus, most of the former county of Viborg, and the northern half of Vejle County.

If your traveling without your own equipment you have to find dive centers along the coast that will take you out. The dive centers of Midtjylland are mainly in the cities close to the beach.

If your on a budget or don’t like to drive a car, Midtjylland has a very sufficient railroad and good bus connections. It will take you where you want to go in no time, be sure to make seat reservations if your traveling by train on the weekends or holidays as trains can be crowded as it is favored transportation of the Danish people.

The Scenery of Midtjylland is beautiful and going on the roads along the coast will present a lot of huge green Forest’s, and big flat fields of different crops. Of course there are some big cities like Århus, and many of them carry a lot of history.

  • Midtjylland

  • Midtjylland

  • Midtjylland

  • Midtjylland
