Nahuel Huapi National Park is an area of high ecological value, and in the heart of it is Lake Nahuel Huapi, 76 km. long. There are myths and fantastic stories about this lake. Its margins were previously inhabited by tribes of Araucanians. These incredible submerged landscapes are the setting for marvellous encounters under the transparent waters of the lake.
The city of San Carlos de Bariloche is the startpoint for these diving outings from November to April. This lake is 765 m. above sea level, and allows for an altitude dive. Tables are modified 10 % more in every stage for a better safety margin. That means that a dive at 30 meters is planned like one of 33 meters.
In lake Nahuel Huapi there are native species like perch, and also others introduced by man like salmon, brown trout and rainbow trout. It is the most complete point, ideal for baptisms, evening or deep diving, and the only one combining the three landscapes in a single outing. It has the advantage of being only 2 km. and only 30 minute navigation from the coast in an area protected from the wind. Unlike other sites, Gallinas Island can be dived even on windy days with a choppy surface. The boat is moored to a rock wall avoiding all contact with the bottom. In the water there is a visibility of up to 22 meters and temperatures between 10º and 12ºC.The constant work of ASAP diving operator to improve the sites promoted the creation of an artificial underwater park, a new attraction. A 3 m. sculpture of Neptune, the god of the sea, has been placed 15 m. deep on the bottom. It weighs 2 tons and was anchored with 300 kg weight. Some meters from that place divers can comfortably seat and have pictures in a chairlift from a mountain.
It is a two tank immersion. The first circuit leaves from the bay and is done in a shallow sandy beach. Then there is a descent next to a 30 m. wall carved by the glacier, the maximum depth reached coinciding with the buoy delimiting the diving area. As you go deeper the bottom gets muddy.
Then you go skirting a lateral rock at 15 meters to a funicular gondola where divers have real fun. This stop is a must to contemplate from all angles or to obtain a picture.The sphinx can be accomodated to receive the sun's rays.
After an interval on the surface, the second dive is shallower in the channel where perch swim near Neptune.
In the interval between dives you hike around the island in the areas allowed by the National Park Administration. Divers are the only people who can go on this hike, since this area does not form part of any other excursion.
Other diving options in Bariloche are:
SAIN MICHAEL'S SHIPWRECK In Isla Victoria, an hour navigation in a magnificent scenery.
This shipwreck is first visited from the outside, and then in a wide hall with big windows, while experienced divers go though other areas less illuminated.
Under the transparent waters of Lake Nahuel Huapi it is possible to dive around submerged forests and big calcareous rocks. At Gallina Island, there is a new underwater museum with log sculptures higher than 3 m. A fascinating adventure in Bariloche in the beautiful Patagonia for the lovers of life underwater.
Nahuel Huapi National Park is an area of high ecological value, and in the heart of it is Lake Nahuel Huapi, 76 km. long. There are myths and fantastic stories about this lake. Its margins were previously inhabited by tribes of Araucanians.