WIT Concrete Wreck

Saint Thomas Island, Virgin Islands

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Dive WIT Concrete Wreck

Deep Wreck Sharks

The largest of the deep wrecks off St Thomas, the WIT Concrete sits on a sandy bottom at about 100 feet. The wreck is upright and largely intact. It is possible to penetrate, but no real ambient light comes in and so lights are needed, and penetration training would be advisable.

The wreck is home to a bull shark and a turtle, but other than that marine life is surprising scant. No real coral growth on the wreck, and no nearby reefs.

rhdiii 05/13/09 I was diving the WIT Shoal the day that they sank the WIT Concrete. We passed them towing it on the way out and located it on the way back in. I Didn't dive it for a couple of years after that, but the shop dove it regularly.

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