Tenneco Towers

Fort Lauderdale, Florida

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Dive Tenneco Towers

Ambiance Wreck

Tenneco Towers, were placed at their current location in October, 1985. This is one of the most popular dives on the southeast coast.

The oil rigs were originally used in the Gulf of Mexico for oil and gas exploration. Tenneco Oil Co. transported the one time oil platform by barge around the Florida Keys and placed them at their present site.

The area consists of 3 sites:

- West Tenneco at 105' depth (Adavnced level),

- East Tenneco at 115' depth (Adavnced level)

- The Deep Tenneco's at a depth of 185' and 205' (Rescue/Trimix level).

Depending on tides, this site can have stong currents.

  • 28457


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