Tarantini submarine

Gironde coast, Aquitaine

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Dive Tarantini submarine


During the Battle of the Atlantic, Italian submarine "Capitano Tarantini" (Liuzzi class) returning from North Atlantic patrol is torpedoed and sunk by the British submarine "HMS Thunderbolt" (Triton class) on december the 15th, 1940 in the Bay of Biscay.

Technical data:

- Dimensions: Length 76.1 m Width 6.98 m Draught 4.55 m

- Displacement: Normal Load 1166 ton, Full Load 1484 ton

- Speed max in emersion (diesel engines): 18 knots

- Autonomy in emersion: 13000 miles at 8 knots

- Speed max in immersion (electric engines): 8 knots

- Autonomy in immersion: 108 miles at 4 knots

- Armament: 1 - 100/47, 4 - 13.2, 8 - 533 mm. torpedo launch tubes

- Crew: 57 pax

  • 30417


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