Tanjung Toto

Pulau Bangka & Pulau Gangga, Sulawesi

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Dive Tanjung Toto


On the surface there are two small rocky pinnacles rising up from the sea. The bottom is full with Coral covered rock slabs and patches of hard Coral on a white sandy bottom. The depth is around 20 to 35 metres and currents vary.
Again lots of marine life like Trevallies, Scorpionfishes and Moray Eels, just to name a few. Just circle around the pinnacles and you can find amazing stuff.
We are not sure, but this might be the spot were we saw this huge yellow Nudibranch, called Banana Nudi by the diveguide. Lucky for us we have a picture taken by Jeroen AKA "Topper" from the Netherlands.

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