SS Glen View

Banco Chinchorro, Mexican Caribbean

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Dive SS Glen View

Ambiance Wreck

The Liberian Steamship Glenview ran aground on Banco Chinchorro off Yucatan, Mexico in latitude 18 degr. 37' N - longitude 87 degr. 15' W on January 24th 1964. While on ballast voyage from Puerto Barrios, Guatamala to Tampico, Mexico.
The salvage tug 'Cable' reached the wrecked vessel 5 days later and found her resting on large rocks with nos. 6 and 7 double bottom tanks open to the sea. In spite of several attempts to try to refloat her, the Ss Glenview' remained firmly aground, with a heavy easterly swell making her pound heavily on the rocks. So severe was this vibration that the salvage master reported that he was unable to stand on her deck.
Having sustained extremely sever bottom damage refloating was considered to be nor feasible and the 'Glenview' was abandoned as a constructive total loss. Her crew was taken to Key West by the 'Cable'.

Source: Noman Hooke, 'Lloyds' Maritime Services Limited

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