South Wall

Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands

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Dive South Wall


Grand Cayman's South Wall lies somewhat farther from shore and is generally only frequented during times of nor' westers, which are cold fronts causing high seas that prohibit wall diving on most other parts of the island. Grand Cayman's south wall sustained the greatest damage during Hurricane Ivan in 2004 but as it is one of the least dived areas of the Cayman Islands, it has already recovered remarkably. Cayman's south wall commences its drop somewhat deeper than the north or west walls, between 70-90 feet, which is; more consistent with Cayman wall diving on East End, which also start somewhat deeper. Cayman's south wall is better known for some of its shallower sites, featuring spectacular displays of elk horn and stag horn coral formations; mazes of swim through's and intricate rock and coral formations. Cayman south wall dive favorites include Hole in Wall, Little Pinnacle and The Sisters.

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