Sha'ab Abu Nuhas

Hurghada, Egypt

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Dive Sha'ab Abu Nuhas

Ambiance Wreck Reef

About 2 1/2 hours cruising time from Hurghada lies the reef of Abu Nuhas - "The father of bad luck", so called because of the number of ships that have hit this reef over the years. The reef is to the north of Shaidwan Island, close to the main shipping channel from Suez and usually partially submerged making it dangerous for shipping.

Among the many ships that have hit the north side of the reef, 4 remain as diveable wrecks for recreational divers. Starting from the north they are: Kimon M - known as the "lentil wreck", Marcus - the "tile wreck", Carnatic - the "wine ship", and Ghiannis D. - the "wooden ship".

In addition to the wrecks it is also possible to dive on the other side of the reef at a site known as Paradise, which has a plateau with a huge coral garden and a drop off into deeper water.

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