Salang Jetty / House Reef

Salang, Pulau Tioman

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Dive Salang Jetty / House Reef

Ambiance Shoal

Salang Bay has two easily accessible house reefs with a reasonable depth range of 5 to 15 meters. Two perfect locations to update your skills after a long period of inactivity. After you have practiced your skills in the sandy area you can explore the reef either side of the jetty.
Not only divers but also snorkelers will find big schools of Bumphead Parrot fishes and Hawksbill Turtles swimming on top of the shallow reef built of Staghorn, Tabletop, Brain and Blue corals and anemones.
Here we can find an amazing macro world such as Sea Horses, Hingebeak Shrimps, Saddleback Clownfish, Pipe Fish and Nesting Cuttle Fish. During March you can observe the mating season of our local Cuttle Fish (30cm), during this time they lay thousands of eggs into the reef.
Even night divers can have a lot of fun here seeing sleeping turtles, Rabbit Fish, Parrot Fish or hunting Yellow Head Moray Eels.

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