Playground point

Lake Malawi, Malawi

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Dive Playground point

Fresh water

In Lake Malawi you won't find any coral,just sand and rocks, however there's loads of fish feeding of the algae!!! Mainly ychlids, tilapia, catfish, the local catfish "kampango" and if you're lucky a fresh water eel. On the night dives you'll be surrounded by "dolphinfish" and you'll be able to find the only poisonous fish of the lake,the leopard spotted 'Synodontis' and you'll find lots of fresh water shrimp. For the adventurous there's a few squeeze throughs. Aqua Africa is the only dive operation in the bay with a great reputation (voted TOP 100 diveschool in the world by Unterwasser!!) Probably some of the best fresh water diving in the world!!!

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