Pig Island

Wollongong and Windang, New South Wales

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Dive Pig Island

Ambiance Shoal

Diving is possible all around Pig Island, but the southern side seems to offer the best all round diving. Depths here work down to about 18-25m, with a great sponge garden and a lot of rocky gullies and walls. This area is part of a reef running towards nearby Toothbrush Island. There is a good variety of fish life including snapper, tailor, bonito, bream, groper. In addition, you can often spot spotted rays and some large wobbegongs. The colors in the sponge garden are superb. This is a great first dive for a day, with nearby Toothbrush Island, with its shallower depths, interesting terrain and abundant fish life offering a fantastic second dive. (source: http://www.uniteddivers.com.au/dive_locations.htm)

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