Orimas Thila

North Ari Atoll, Maldives

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Dive Orimas Thila

Cave Reef Wall

Also known as Maagaa Thila. Protected marine area on the north side of Orimas faru, a small thila that goes from 3 to 30m. Maagaa thila is the island on the north (there comes the name). It has a great landscape with beautiful overhangs and small cavities on the perimeter of the pinnacle. At 6m in the reef top there is a crack with lots of marine life. A long cave lies from 15 to 20m and goes along the thila side. Is full of seafans and feather stars. There are lots of sea anemones with different species of clown fish. On the south east side there is another smaller cave. Blue triggerfishe (vampire) swim in schools here, also blue striped snapper. As the thila is small, you can either circle around a few times, or go very slow.

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