Ngemelis Wall

Koror, Palau

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Dive Ngemelis Wall


Not only is this the most famous and exciting wall dive around Palau, but it is also regarded by many as simply the best in the world. Situated just south of German Channel in the south of Palau, this dive starts in shallow water - so shallow that the coral can be exposed at low tide - then levels out at about 20m for up to 70m from the shore and finally falls away to depths of 300m.

The variety of soft and hard coral is staggering. Around this landscape, you will discover tube and barrel sponges together with fan, whip and plate corals. A huge diversity of marine life is supported by this environment and the more common sights will be of clownfish, hawkfish, butterflyfish, angelfish and parrotfish - to name but a few.

Further south and more out to sea are two other sites - New and Big Drop-Offs. These are essentially extensions of Ngemelis Wall and Big Drop-Off is often referred to as the wall itself, although technically they are all seperate, distinct areas. Again, the variety of fish life is breathtaking at these coral walls and because of the drop-offs you're likely to spot grey reef sharks as well.

These three sites are truely world-class and should not be missed.

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