Miyaruga Thila

North Ari Atoll, Maldives

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Dive Miyaruga Thila

Cave Reef Wall

On the south west of Kudafolhudhoo, close to bodu thila and kuda thila, lies this big and nice thila. About 80m long and more than 30m deep. Reef top is at 15m and a negative descent might be needed with strong current. Practically the whole thila is undercut with terraces, overhangs and caves, but the main highlight is that in the middle - north side there are two tunnels that cross the thila completely. They are about 1m wide, one at 21m and the other one at 2m. The reef is very surreal, with lots of cavities, holes and many soft and hard coral formations. Good place fot UW photography and also to cross the cave. A safety balloon is needed, and a torch will be usefull for the caves and tunnels.

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