La Pared Amarilla

Granada, Costa Tropical

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Dive La Pared Amarilla


In english this dive site will be called "Yellow Wall" due to the rocky wall you can see from the boat. It's a nice area where you will easily find huge octopus (up to 3 meters long) and sun fish, as well as conger eels, mory eels, nudibranchs, lobsters, barracudas and phycidae hakes. It can go to 30 meter if drifted from the wall, therefore it's recommended to stick to the rocky area. 
This place is somewhat protected from western winds. 
If you want to try this divesite the best and closest option is diving from Nerja, where dive centers often visit the place if the conditions allow it.

  • Pared Amarilla

    Pared Amarilla

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