Kuantan Wreck

Sipalay, Negros

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Dive Kuantan Wreck


It's is resting on her port side, at 23 meters deep. The top of the wreck is at 14 meters and is easily dived by novice divers. Surrounding the wreck are large wire-mesh fish traps scattered by local fishermen. The length is about 80m and she is 10m wide. The propeller is still in tact and quite large. It is covered with growth and its crack is also the home of a moray eel.

She carried crude oil when she sunk. The wreck is situated at about 20 nautical miles off the coast Kuantan. There are two resident, big, groupers of 1.5m and 1m in lenght, sometime you'll see two leopard sharks, a guitar shark, schooling jacks, batfish, barracuda, giant sting rays, snapper, eels and turtles.

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