Koh Kron South

Sihanoukville, Cambodia

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Dive Koh Kron South


Koh Kron is a small uninhabited island about 1.5-2 hrs from Sihanoukville. The best diving around this island is to the west and south.

Koh Kron South has coral reef from the shore which drops to a shallow sandy bottom at around 9m and gradually goes deeper to the west to a maximum of 14m. Again, there are many brilliant anemones and an abundance of fish life. This is a great spot for a night dive with blue-spotted stingrays mingling with moray eels and bamboo and cat sharks.

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Reviews (1)

Karsten May 16th, 2013 - 5:02:
This site is very nice for both beginners and the more experienced. I have 8 dives on this site and it is very easy to vary the dive so that it fits anyone, and still amuse even those who have been there many times. It is a great place to spot giant barracudas, if you know where to look. Follow the current to the south at about 7 meters, and right at the tip of the island just where it turns left the current splits in two, one will gently take you around the island the other will take you to the fishing village at Koh Rong samloem. But right where the current splits the barracudas will hang in the water waiting for pray, you can watch them as they hunts into the current and returns to their lookout spot, one of the greatest spots in Cambodia

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