Joy Island (nr.3)

Pohnpei, Micronesia

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Dive Joy Island (nr.3)


The island offers several good spots along its east and northeast shores that are frequented by Green Sea Turtles, Eagle Rays, reef sharks, Dog-tooth Tuna and barracuda. The area also offers excellent snorkeling with shallow coral gardens.

Reviews (1)

Canita M. Prough June 7th, 2015 - 3:24:
In 1990 I had opportunity to visit Joy Island. We stayed the night and part of the next day. It was enjoyable walking the coral reef surrounding the island. The hut was primitive but, it provided a comfortable, safe place to sleep. The food was good and the water was cool as we showered the next morning in the bucket showers. It has long been a good memory.

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