
Pulau Lembeh, Sulawesi

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Dive Jari-Jari

Ambiance Reef

A continuation of the more popular Jahir, this is a wide expanse of shallow sand littered with Sponges and small bommies.
This site has a steep sand slope leading down to an excellent cleaning station occupying a single large rock down at 26 metres. Though not as crowded with critters in comparison with Jahir, there are still interesting finds to be had here, such as Stonefishes, various Frogfishes and interesting Pipefishes.

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Reviews (1)

Suhendra September 18th, 2013 - 7:16:
Jari-Jari is one of the wonderful site in lembeh. slop blach sandy bottom through 25-30 meters with a little bit muck. frog fish, lion fish, cuttlefish, flamboyant cuttlefish, mimic octopus, and a lot of others a specially when you do night dive. maximum in here is around 20-25 meters.

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