Hemmoor Lake

Niedersachsen, Germany

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Dive Hemmoor Lake

Ambiance Wreck Fresh water

Hemmoor is around 60 metres deep and popular among divers for its clear water, good visibility and the remains of a chalk mining industrial facility which is largely intact on the bottom, as well as a plane which was sunk there to provide more interest for divers.

Reviews (1)

Arno February 5th, 2016 - 22:09:
Hemmoor is awesome. There are ruins of the mining facility, wrecks of boats and airplanes, a kind of petrified forest and a lot of other things to see. The sight distance is sometimes very good. Warning, water can be very cold if you go deeper then 18m. Do not go deeper if you are not an advanced diver! You will need a complete backup diving regulator to dive in Hemmoor. See http://www.kreideseetaucher.de for details.

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